Source code for sarepy.prep.stripe_removal_former

# Copyright (c) 2018 Nghia T. Vo. All rights reserved.
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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:
# Description: Implementations of former stripe removal methods
# ->  Normalization-based method
# [1] M. Rivers, "Tutorial introduction to X-ray computed microtomography data
#     processing,"
# ->  Regularization-based method
# [2] S. Titarenko, P. J. Withers, and A. Yagola, "An analytical formula for
#     ring artefact suppression in X-ray tomography,"
#     Appl. Math. Lett. 23(12), 1489-1495 (2010).
# ->  FFT-based method
# [3] C. Raven, "Numerical removal of ring artifacts in microtomography,"
#     Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69(8), 2978-2980 (1998).
# ->  Wavelet-FFT-based method
# [4] B. Munch, P. Trtik, F. Marone, and M. Stampanoni, "Stripe and ring
#     artifact removal with combined wavelet-Fourier filtering,"
#     Opt. Express 17(10), 8567-8591 (2009).
# Publication date:

Module for prior stripe removal methods.


import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
import pywt
# import scipy.fftpack as fft
import pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fftpack as fft

[docs]def remove_stripe_based_normalization(sinogram, sigma, num_chunk): """ Remove stripes using the method in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. sigma : int Sigma of the Gaussian window. num_chunk : int Number of chunks of rows. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ (nrow, _) = sinogram.shape sinogram = np.copy(sinogram) listindex = np.array_split(np.arange(nrow), num_chunk) for pos in listindex: bindex = pos[0] eindex = pos[-1] + 1 listmean = np.mean(sinogram[bindex:eindex], axis=0) list_filtered = gaussian_filter(listmean, sigma) listcoe = list_filtered - listmean matcoe = np.tile(listcoe, (eindex - bindex, 1)) sinogram[bindex:eindex, :] = sinogram[bindex:eindex, :] + matcoe return sinogram
def calculate_reg_mat(width, alpha): """ Calculate coefficients used for the regularization-based method. Eq. (7) in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- width : int Width of a square array. alpha : float Regularization parameter. Returns ------- ndarray Square array. References ---------- .. [1] """ tau = 2.0 * np.arcsinh(np.sqrt(alpha) * 0.5) ilist = np.arange(0, width) jlist = np.arange(0, width) matjj, matii = np.meshgrid(jlist, ilist) mat1 = np.abs(matii - matjj) mat2 = matii + matjj mat1a = np.cosh((width - 1 - mat1) * tau) mat2a = np.cosh((width - mat2) * tau) matcoe = - (np.tanh( 0.5 * tau) / (alpha * np.sinh(width * tau))) * (mat1a + mat2a) return matcoe
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_regularization(sinogram, alpha, num_chunk): """ Remove stripes using the method in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. alpha : float Regularization parameter. num_chunk : int Number of chunks of rows. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ sinogram = -np.log(sinogram) (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape sijmat = calculate_reg_mat(ncol, alpha) listindex = np.array_split(np.arange(nrow), num_chunk) listgrad = np.zeros(ncol, dtype=np.float32) matgrad = np.zeros((ncol, ncol), dtype=np.float32) for pos in listindex: bindex = pos[0] eindex = pos[-1] + 1 listmean = np.mean(sinogram[bindex:eindex], axis=0) listgrad[1:-1] = (-1) * np.diff(listmean, 2) listgrad[0] = listmean[0] - listmean[1] listgrad[-1] = listmean[-1] - listmean[-2] matgrad[:] = listgrad listcoe = np.sum(matgrad * sijmat, axis=1) matcoe = np.tile(listcoe, (eindex - bindex, 1)) sinogram[bindex:eindex, :] = sinogram[bindex:eindex, :] + matcoe return np.exp(-sinogram)
def create_2d_window(width, height, u, v, n): """ Create a 2d window used for the fft-based method Parameters ---------- height, width : int Shape of the window. u,n : int To define the shape of 1D Butterworth low-pass filter. v : int Number of rows (* 2) to be applied the filter. Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. """ centerc = np.ceil(width / 2.0) - 1.0 centerr = np.int16(np.ceil(height / 2.0) - 1) listx = np.arange(width) - centerc window1d = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.power(listx / u, 2 * n)) row1 = centerr - np.int16(v) row2 = centerr + np.int16(v) + 1 window2d = np.ones((height, width), dtype=np.float32) window2d[row1:row2] = window1d return window2d
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_fft(sinogram, u, n, v, pad=150): """ Remove stripes using the method in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. u,n : int To define the shape of 1D Butterworth low-pass filter. v : int Number of rows (* 2) to be applied the filter. pad : int Padding for FFT Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. References ---------- .. [1] """ if pad > 0: sinogram = np.pad(sinogram, ((pad, pad), (0, 0)), mode='mean') sinogram = np.pad(sinogram, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='edge') (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape window2d = create_2d_window(ncol, nrow, u, v, n) sinogram = fft.ifft2( np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(sinogram)) * window2d)) return np.real(sinogram[pad:nrow - pad, pad:ncol - pad])
[docs]def remove_stripe_based_wavelet_fft(sinogram, level, sigma, order, pad=150): """ Remove stripes using the method in Ref. [1]. Angular direction is along the axis 0. Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. level : int Wavelet decomposition level. sigma : int Damping parameter. Larger is stronger. order : int Order of the the Daubechies wavelets. pad : int Padding for FFT Returns ------- ndarray 2D array. Stripe-removed sinogram. Notes ----- Code adapted from tomopy source code with a small improvement of using different ways of padding to reduce the side effect of the Fourier transform. References ---------- .. [1] """ (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape if pad > 0: sinogram = np.pad(sinogram, ((pad, pad), (0, 0)), mode='mean') sinogram = np.pad(sinogram, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='edge') # Wavelet decomposition cH = [] cV = [] cD = [] waveletname = "db" + str(order) for j in range(level): sinogram, (cHt, cVt, cDt) = pywt.dwt2(sinogram, waveletname) cH.append(cHt) cV.append(cVt) cD.append(cDt) for j in range(level): fcV = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(cV[j])) nrow1, ncol1 = fcV.shape y_hat = (np.arange(-nrow1, nrow1, 2, dtype=np.float32) + 1) / 2 damp = 1 - np.exp(-np.power(y_hat, 2) / (2 * np.power(sigma, 2))) fcV = np.multiply(fcV, np.transpose(np.tile(damp, (ncol1, 1)))) cV[j] = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(fcV))) # Wavelet reconstruction. for j in range(level)[::-1]: sinogram = sinogram[0:cH[j].shape[0], 0:cH[j].shape[1]] sinogram = pywt.idwt2((sinogram, (cH[j], cV[j], cD[j])), waveletname) if pad > 0: sinogram = sinogram[pad:-pad, pad:-pad] return sinogram[:nrow, :ncol]